Hands-On Merchandising Services

We have a network of around 400 merchandisers spread around the nation and offer a comprehensive range of hands-on merchandising services including:

  • Visual Merchandising / Displays
  • Display Maintenance
  • Stock Installations
  • Stock Re-lays
  • Stock Counts and Orders
  • Stock Recalls
  • Warranty Card Replacements


Our highly skilled Visual Merchandisers can install all sorts of displays for you including:

Regular Window Displays

Window Displays-1Professional, creative window displays can attract customers into your stores and amateur or unattractive displays can deter them.  An effective window display is like a 24/7 sales person.  See what our talented Visual Merchandisers can create in your windows.

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Special One-Off Displays

Creative Display-1Whether it is for a product launch or some other special purpose, our Visual Merchandisers can create spectacular and thought provoking displays that will excite current and attract prospective customers. 

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Regular In-Store Promotional Displays

SIf your brand goes to all the trouble of creating fantastic regular in-store promotions but store staff install them to varying or inadequate standards, let our hands-on merchandisers provide a consistently high standard of installation for you.

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Display Maintenance

Display Maintenance

Displays can quickly become depleted, untidy and unattractive and sales will correspondingly decline.  Often store staff don’t have the time or the awareness to maintain or restore these displays and our hands-on merchandisers can do that for you.

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Christmas Decorations

5-ChristmasIf your Christmas decorations are looking tired, mundane or amateurish, let us install or enhance them so they look fresh, attractive and professional.  If desired we can work with existing decorations and add to them to provide an economical solution.

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6-Stock InstallationWhether it is a new product range in a nationwide retail chain, or an existing product range in a new store, we can install them efficiently, economically and to your specific requirements.

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Stock RelayStock Relays boost sales and when it is time for a Stock Relay, our merchandisers can complete the relay for you accurately and efficiently.  Instead of the expense of sending your team around the state or nation and taking them away from higher priority tasks, we can complete a nationwide relay in days.  We led a recent relay in Bunnings Warehouses that resulted in a 30% increase of sales in that department.  Contact us Now!


9-Stock ReplenishWhether you want to know how well a new product line is selling or want a regular service of existing stock, we can complete a stock count, send you a refill order, replenish stock, clean and tidy, complete reports, and take and send photographs all in the one regular service.

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10-WarrantyIf you are in the unfortunate and stressful position of having to do a stock recall or warranty cards replacement etc, and don’t have the resources or experience to complete it quickly, then let us ease your stress and be amazed at how fast, accurate and economical we are.  We recently completed a warranty card replacement fot Nikon Australia in over 1200 stores involving around 70,000 stock items.

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